Archive for February, 2014

NEW! *PAY WHAT YOU CAN* Natalie Lynn Live @ Rockbottom

Monday, February 24th, 2014


Hey guys! Saturday night will now be PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN at the door, instead of the flat $6 cover charge!

Whats up is…We are trying to raise money to help with the recording of our latest E.P.! We are thankful for and encourage your support, especially if you like what you hear! So $5, $10, $1, what ever! We hope this news will help make it an even better night for you guys and us as well!

Invite your friends and see you Saturday!



Saturday, February 15th, 2014

Saturday, March 1st, we are playing an acoustic set live at Rockbottom Brewpub! 3 Acoustics, a Cello, and a Djembe! It’s going to be a really unique performance for us, and we are also throwing in some covers (a kind of rare treat from us). Check out the facebook page linked below!


Great weekend of gigs!

Monday, February 3rd, 2014

We had a whirl wind weekend performing around Halifax! Thursday we played Gus’ Pub, Friday we played Monte’s Showbar and Grill and then Saturday we played Michael’s Bad and Grill! Thanks so much for coming out to the shows everyone and thanks Between the Cities, The Cold Stills, Black City Avenger, Vicious and The Big Get Even for sharing stages with us throughout the weekend! We had a blast! And thanks to the many photographers who took some really incredible shots of us! Check um out!


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